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English translation of brillo


The Spanish word 'brillo' translates to 'shine' in English. It is a noun that can be used to describe the brightness or glossiness of an object, such as the shine of a polished surface or the brightness of a light. It is also used metaphorically to refer to the quality of being outstanding or exceptional, similar to how 'shine' is used in English.

Example sentences using: brillo

El brillo del sol es muy fuerte hoy.

English translation of El brillo del sol es muy fuerte hoy.

The brightness of the sun is very strong today.

In this sentence, 'brillo' is used to describe the intensity of the light that the sun is emitting.

El brillo de tus ojos es inolvidable.

English translation of El brillo de tus ojos es inolvidable.

The sparkle in your eyes is unforgettable.

In this context, 'brillo' is used to describe the sparkle or shine in someone's eyes, often used in a romantic context.

Este limpiador tiene un brillo extra que deja las superficies relucientes.

English translation of Este limpiador tiene un brillo extra que deja las superficies relucientes.

This cleaner has an extra shine that leaves surfaces gleaming.

Here, 'brillo' is used to describe the shiny result of using a particular cleaning product.

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