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English translation of Boxeo


Boxing is a combat sport involving two contenders fighting against each other using their fists, that are protected by gloves. The aim is to weaken and dismiss their opponent with their punches.

Example sentences using: Boxeo

Me gusta practicar boxeo en mi tiempo libre.

English translation of Me gusta practicar boxeo en mi tiempo libre.

I like to practice boxing in my free time.

This sentence explains a hobby or pastime someone enjoys during their free time.

El boxeo es un deporte físicamente exigente.

English translation of El boxeo es un deporte físicamente exigente.

Boxing is a physically demanding sport.

This sentence comments on the physical intensity of boxing as a sport.

Voy a clases de boxeo los fines de semana.

English translation of Voy a clases de boxeo los fines de semana.

I go to boxing classes on the weekends.

This sentence talks about someone's regular activity or routine.

Mi hermano es un profesional de boxeo.

English translation of Mi hermano es un profesional de boxeo.

My brother is a professional boxer.

This sentence refers to someone's profession in boxing.

Juan entrenó durante meses para su primer combate de boxeo.

English translation of Juan entrenó durante meses para su primer combate de boxeo.

Juan trained for months for his first boxing match.

This sentence talks about the months of training required in preparation for a first boxing match.

La dieta para el boxeo es específica y saludable.

English translation of La dieta para el boxeo es específica y saludable.

The diet for boxing is specific and healthy.

This sentence refers to the kind of diet a boxer needs to maintain.

El boxeo requiere disciplina, resistencia y estrategia.

English translation of El boxeo requiere disciplina, resistencia y estrategia.

Boxing requires discipline, stamina and strategy.

This sentence talks about the qualities or skills needed for boxing.

Los guantes de boxeo son un equipo esencial en este deporte.

English translation of Los guantes de boxeo son un equipo esencial en este deporte.

Boxing gloves are an essential piece of equipment in this sport.

This sentence speaks about a crucial piece of gear needed for boxing.

En el boxeo, es vital proteger tus manos y tu cara.

English translation of En el boxeo, es vital proteger tus manos y tu cara.

In boxing, it is vital to protect your hands and your face.

This sentence talks about the importance of protecting certain body parts during boxing.

El campeonato de boxeo se llevará a cabo en el estadio local.

English translation of El campeonato de boxeo se llevará a cabo en el estadio local.

The boxing championship will take place at the local stadium.

This sentence tells where a certain event, in this case a boxing championship, is going to be held.

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