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English translation of botiquín

first aid kit

The word 'botiquín' in Spanish translates to 'first aid kit' in English. In different contexts, it refers to a box containing medical supplies and equipment needed to provide immediate healthcare in emergency situations. Its usage includes immediate attention to wounds, injuries, or sudden illnesses until full medical treatment is available. Therefore, it's a crucial element in emergency preparedness.

Example sentences using: botiquín

El botiquín de primeros auxilios se encuentra en la pared

English translation of El botiquín de primeros auxilios se encuentra en la pared

The first aid kit is on the wall

This phrase is typically used in a context such as a workplace or a school to tell someone where the first aid kit is located. In these types of common areas, first aid kits are usually mounted on the wall.

Deberíamos revisar el contenido del botiquín antes de ir de viaje

English translation of Deberíamos revisar el contenido del botiquín antes de ir de viaje

We should check the contents of the first aid kit before going on a trip

It refers to the importance of ensuring the first aid kit is fully equipped before embarking on a journey where medical help might not be immediately available. The person could be referring to a road trip, camping trip, or any kind of journey.

Cuando me lastimé, use el botiquín para tratar la herida

English translation of Cuando me lastimé, use el botiquín para tratar la herida

When I hurt myself, I used the first aid kit to treat the wound

This sentence is stated in past tense, and it refers to a prior event where the speaker used the first aid kit to administer self-care after suffering an injury. The injury could be anything from a small cut to a more significant wound. It emphasizes the importance of having a first aid kit available for such emergencies.

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