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English translation of biólogo


The term 'biólogo' is a Spanish word that refers to a biologist in English. A biologist is an expert in biology, the scientific study of life and living organisms. Biologists may specialize in certain areas such as zoology (the study of animals), botany (the study of plants), microbiology (the study of microorganisms), etc. The work of a biologist involves conducting research, performing experiments, and in many cases, making significant contributions to our understanding of the natural world.

Example sentences using: biólogo

El biólogo está estudiando las células.

English translation of El biólogo está estudiando las células.

The biologist is studying the cells.

In this phrase, 'El biólogo' represents 'The biologist'. The full phrase in English would be 'The biologist is studying the cells', indicating an ongoing action performed by the biologist.

Mi hermano es un biólogo marino.

English translation of Mi hermano es un biólogo marino.

My brother is a marine biologist.

This sentence indicates a profession of someone's relative. 'Mi hermano es un biólogo marino' translates to 'My brother is a marine biologist' in English.

¿Conoce a Carlos? El es un biólogo apasionado.

English translation of ¿Conoce a Carlos? El es un biólogo apasionado.

Do you know Carlos? He is a passionate biologist.

This example presents a question and a subsequent statement through '¿Conoce a Carlos? El es un biólogo apasionado.', meaning 'Do you know Carlos? He is a passionate biologist.' in English.

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