The Spanish term 'biológico' translates to 'biological' in English. It is primarily used within the realms of biology and science, where it is used to describe anything related to life or living organisms. For example, a biological process in humans could include digestion, respiration, or reproduction. This term can also be used in a broader context to refer to things that are natural or organic, in contrast to items that are synthetically produced.
My biological father was a 45-year-old adult when I was born.
In this example, 'biological' describes the 'father' who is genetically related to the speaker. In Spanish, the adjective often comes after the noun it describes, unlike in English.
The biological rhythm of some people makes them wake up early.
In this case, the term 'biological rhythm' is similar to the concept of a 'body clock' in English and refers to the natural cycle of physical, mental and behavioral changes that the body goes through in a 24-hour cycle.
Research on biological diversity in the Amazon continues.
Here, 'biological diversity' is used to describe the variety of life in a particular ecosystem or on the whole planet. The term is often used when discussing conservation issues.