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English translation of bendiciones


The Spanish word for 'blessings' is 'bendiciones'. It is used similarly to how it is used in English, to express well wishes, grace, or to refer to something one is grateful for. For example, in the context of a religious ceremony, 'bendiciones' could refer to the words spoken by a priest to invoke divine favor. Equally, it could be used more informally to express gratitude for positive elements in one's life.

Example sentences using: bendiciones

Tu bendición puede estar en disfraz.

English translation of Tu bendición puede estar en disfraz.

Your blessing may be in disguise.

This sentence expresses that something initially perceived as bad, may turn out to be good eventually.

Mis bendiciones están contigo.

English translation of Mis bendiciones están contigo.

My blessings are with you.

This phrase is generally used to express goodwill or support to someone, akin to saying 'I'm supporting you' or 'my good wishes are with you'.

Las bendiciones vienen de formas inesperadas.

English translation of Las bendiciones vienen de formas inesperadas.

Blessings come in unexpected ways.

Similar to the English phrase, this is used to express the idea that good things can come from unexpected places or situations.

Es una bendición tener amigos verdaderos.

English translation of Es una bendición tener amigos verdaderos.

It's a blessing to have true friends.

This phrase is used to express gratitude for having good friends, considering them as a gift or blessing.

Gracias a Dios por todas las bendiciones.

English translation of Gracias a Dios por todas las bendiciones.

Thank God for all the blessings.

This sentence is often used when expressing gratitude for good things that have happened.

Las bendiciones siempre vienen en el momento perfecto.

English translation of Las bendiciones siempre vienen en el momento perfecto.

Blessings always come at the perfect time.

This phrase conveys the idea that good things or 'blessings' occur at the most suitable or appropriate time.

Comparte tus bendiciones con otros.

English translation of Comparte tus bendiciones con otros.

Share your blessings with others.

This phrase is used to encourage generosity, advising the listener to share their good fortune with others.

Aprecia tus bendiciones diarias.

English translation of Aprecia tus bendiciones diarias.

Appreciate your daily blessings.

This sentence is used to remind someone to be grateful for the things they have every day.

Las bendiciones abundan para aquellos que creen.

English translation of Las bendiciones abundan para aquellos que creen.

Blessings abound for those who believe.

This statement suggests that belief or faith can lead to blessings or good fortune.

Que recibas bendiciones en tu cumpleaños.

English translation of Que recibas bendiciones en tu cumpleaños.

May you receive blessings on your birthday.

This phrase is usually used to wish someone a happy birthday, expressing a desire for them to receive good things in their life.

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