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English translation of bendecir


The Spanish word 'bendecir' translates to 'bless' in English. It is often used in a religious context, as when a priest blesses his congregation, but it can also be used in a more generalized manner to suggest bestowing well-wishes or good intentions upon someone. Like many Spanish verbs, 'bendecir' changes its form depending on tense and who the subject of the sentence is. It's a regular verb, so once you know the rules for conjugating -IR verbs in Spanish, you should be able to use it in different contexts.

Example sentences using: bendecir

El sacerdote va a bendecir el pan y el vino.

English translation of El sacerdote va a bendecir el pan y el vino.

The priest is going to bless the bread and the wine.

In a religious context, 'bendecir' is used to refer to the act of blessing something or someone. In this sentence, the priest is blessing the elements used in Communion.

Mis padres me bendicen cada vez que salgo de la casa.

English translation of Mis padres me bendicen cada vez que salgo de la casa.

My parents bless me every time I leave the house.

This sentence uses 'bendecir' in a traditional cultural context where parents might bless their children for protection and good fortune, especially when they are departing from home.

Vamos a bendecir la mesa antes de comer.

English translation of Vamos a bendecir la mesa antes de comer.

We are going to bless the table before we eat.

In a non-religious context, 'bendecir' can also refer to expressing gratitude before a meal. In this example, the ritual of 'blessing the table' before eating is done to show respect and thanks for the food.

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