The Spanish word 'Belén' is derived from the English 'Bethlehem', which refers to a city located in the West Bank. Around Christmas time in Spanish-speaking countries, a 'Belén' may also refer to a nativity scene, as 'Belén' is traditionally recognized as the birthplace of Jesus.
Belén is my best friend.
This sentence indicates a close relationship with a person named Belén, expressing a high degree of affective connection by defining her as the 'best friend'.
Have you seen Belén today?
This question is asking if someone has seen or encountered Belén at any point during the current day.
Belén made a delicious dinner.
In this sentence, Belén is the subject, the action is 'prepared', and 'a delicious dinner' is the object. The person is complimenting Belén's cooking skills.
Belén lives in Spain.
This sentence informs about Belén's place of residence, which is Spain.
Belén is an excellent teacher.
The sentence is describing Belén's professional capacity as a teacher and qualifies it as excellent, indicating a high level of satisfaction or approval.
Belén's book sells a lot.
This sentence is talking about the success of a book written by Belén, stating that it has strong sales.
Belén should consider that offer.
In this sentence, the speaker is giving advice to Belén about an offer, suggesting that it could be beneficial for her.
The party will be at Belén's house.
This sentence is giving information about the location of a certain event, a party, which is planned to take place at Belén's abode.
Belén hates lies.
In this sentence, we express a strong negative emotion that Belén feels towards lying - she hates it.
Belén always arrives on time.
This example phrase highlights Belén's characteristic of being punctual. She always gets to her appointments on time.