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English translation of batalla


The Spanish word 'batalla' translates to 'battle' in English. It is a noun, often used in various contexts, such as to describe a combat, conflict or struggle, either amongst individuals, teams, or nations. Similar to its English counterpart, 'batalla' can also be used metaphorically, referrering to a challenging personal ordeal or difficult experience.

Example sentences using: batalla

La batalla decisiva dará fin a la guerra

English translation of La batalla decisiva dará fin a la guerra

The decisive battle will end the war

This phrase invokes the idea that a single decisive battle can bring an end to a war, indicating the power of such a significant event.

La batalla fue intensa y atemorizante

English translation of La batalla fue intensa y atemorizante

The battle was intense and frightening

This phrase emphasizes the intensity and fear brought upon by the battle, expressing the heavy emotions carried by individuals in such circumstances.

Después de la batalla, la ciudad quedó en silencio

English translation of Después de la batalla, la ciudad quedó en silencio

After the battle, the city fell silent

This phrase conveys the aftermath of the battle, highlighting the dramatic change in the atmosphere brought about by the cessation of noise and activity after the battle.

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