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basarse en una investigación

English translation of basarse en una investigación

based on an investigation

'Basarse en una investigación' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'based on an investigation' in English. It can be used in several contexts, often in academic, journalistic, or legal settings, where someone's statements, work, or decisions are made following a systematic, detailed examination or inquiry. This phrase is typically used to imply that the ideas, findings, or assertions are not randomly made but are results of careful study and analysis of information.

Example sentences using: basarse en una investigación

Los resultados de nuestro proyecto se van a basarse en una investigación detallada.

English translation of Los resultados de nuestro proyecto se van a basarse en una investigación detallada.

The results of our project will be based on a detailed research.

In this example, we are expressing a future action. The verb 'van a basarse' suggests that the results have not been determined yet, but they will be founded on research.

Podemos basarse en una investigación reciente para formular nuestra hipótesis.

English translation of Podemos basarse en una investigación reciente para formular nuestra hipótesis.

We can base our hypothesis on recent research.

In this example, we use the verb 'podemos' (we can) to express ability. The sentence suggests that there is an option to use recent research as a basis for formulating a hypothesis.

La teoría debe basarse en una investigación sólida y confiable.

English translation of La teoría debe basarse en una investigación sólida y confiable.

The theory should be based on solid and reliable research.

In this sentence, the verb 'debe' (should) is used to express an obligation or recommendation. In this case, the research should be solid and reliable to form the base of the theory.

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