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barco de vela

English translation of barco de vela


The Spanish term 'barco de vela' translates to 'sailboat' in English. This term is used to refer to a type of boat that is primarily propelled by wind on a sail. Rather than using engines or motors for movement, sailboats depend on the wind in the sails to navigate the water. These boats can vary greatly in size and design, ranging from small, personal crafts to larger seafaring vessels. Regardless of size, all sailboats share the common characteristic of utilizing wind as their main source of propulsion.

Example sentences using: barco de vela

El barco de vela se balanceaba en las olas suavemente.

English translation of El barco de vela se balanceaba en las olas suavemente.

The sailing boat was swaying gently on the waves.

This sentence depicts a quiet and serene scene of a sailboat, swaying gently on the water. It can be used generally to describe a peaceful setting related to a sailboat.

Me gustaría aprender a manejar un barco de vela algún día.

English translation of Me gustaría aprender a manejar un barco de vela algún día.

I would like to learn to handle a sailing boat one day.

This sentence reflects a personal desire or ambition to learn to sail. It suggests that the speaker has an interest in sailing and might like to acquire this skill in the future.

El barco de vela se veía pequeño en la distancia, pero aún así se destacaba contra el horizonte.

English translation of El barco de vela se veía pequeño en la distancia, pero aún así se destacaba contra el horizonte.

The sailing boat looked small in the distance, but it still stood out against the horizon.

In this sentence, the sailboat is reportedly small when seen from a distance, but its silhouette remains prominent against the horizon. It's indicative of a visual and descriptive statement commonly used in literature or creative writing.

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