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English translation of barco


A boat is a watercraft of varying sizes designed to float, work, travel on, and traverse waterways. Boats are commonly used for transportation, fishing, sport, and leisure activities.

Example sentences using: barco

El barco es mío.

English translation of El barco es mío.

The boat is mine.

This sentence uses the word 'mío' meaning 'mine' to denote possession. It uses the verb 'ser' to denote a permanent state.

El barco es de Pedro.

English translation of El barco es de Pedro.

The boat belongs to Pedro.

This sentence introduces 'de' which in this case is used to show possession. So, the boat is owned by Pedro.

Mi barco es azul.

English translation of Mi barco es azul.

My boat is blue.

This sentence explains ownership (my boat) and a characteristic of the thing owned (it is blue). In Spanish you use 'Mi' for 'my' and the verb 'es' from the verb 'ser' to describe permanent characteristics.

Voy al barco.

English translation of Voy al barco.

I'm going to the boat.

This sentence explains action of going to somewhere. 'Voy' is the first person singular form of the verb 'ir' which means 'to go'. The preposition 'al' is used to combine 'a' (to) and 'el' (the).

El barco es grande.

English translation of El barco es grande.

The boat is big.

This sentence uses the verb 'ser' (is), explaining a permanent characteristics of an object. It's a useful sentence structure to describe objects in general.

Veo un barco.

English translation of Veo un barco.

I see a boat.

This is a simple sentence that uses the first person singular form of the verb 'ver' (to see), it is straightforwardly showing saying that one is observing a boat.

Compro un barco.

English translation of Compro un barco.

I buy a boat.

In this sentence, the first person singular form of the verb 'comprar' (to buy) is used. This phrase can be utilized when talking about buying objects.

El barco navega en la noche.

English translation of El barco navega en la noche.

The boat sails at night.

This sentence is a standard use of subject, verb, preposition and time of day. Here 'navega' is the verb which means 'sails'.

El barco tiene tres velas.

English translation of El barco tiene tres velas.

The boat has three sails.

This sentence makes use of the verb 'tener' (to have) as in describing something the boat (barco) possesses i.e., three sails.

El barco está en el mar.

English translation of El barco está en el mar.

The boat is in the sea.

This is a simple sentence explaining a location of an object - in this case a boat ('barco') in the sea. It uses the verb 'está' which means 'is', very commonly used verb in Spanish to refer to temporary states or locations.

El barco navega en el mar

English translation of El barco navega en el mar

The ship sails in the sea

This phrase is a straightforward depiction of a ship sailing in the sea. It uses the basic verb 'navega' which translates to 'sails'. This example helps students understand the use of the word 'barco' in a simple sentence.

Mi padre construyó un barco

English translation of Mi padre construyó un barco

My father built a ship

In this sentence, the use of 'barco' is linked with the verb 'construyo' which means 'built'. It is a good example for beginners to understand simple past tense in Spanish.

Nuestro barco está anclado en el puerto

English translation of Nuestro barco está anclado en el puerto

Our boat is anchored at the port

In this phrase, 'barco' is associated with the state of being anchored ('anclado'). It is a beneficial example for learners to understand how the status or condition of an item (the boat) can be conveyed in Spanish.

El barco de papel flota en el agua

English translation of El barco de papel flota en el agua

The paper boat floats in the water

This sentence uses 'barco' in a more playful sense, referring to a 'paper boat'. It is an excellent way for beginners to get familiar with colloquial or informal uses of the word.

El camarote del barco es muy pequeño

English translation of El camarote del barco es muy pequeño

The cabin of the ship is very small

Here, the phrase 'camarote del barco' (cabin of the ship) gives learners an idea of how prepositions ('del') work in Spanish.

El capitán maneja el barco

English translation of El capitán maneja el barco

The captain drives the ship

A simple sentence illustrating how 'barco' can be used in correlation with another noun, such as 'capitán' (captain).

El barco de vela está en el océano

English translation of El barco de vela está en el océano

The sailing ship is in the ocean

In this phrase, 'barco de vela' (sailing ship) helps learners understand how descriptive phrases are formed in Spanish.

En el barco hay muchos marineros

English translation of En el barco hay muchos marineros

There are many sailors on the ship

This sentence is a good example to understand plural forms in Spanish and how to indicate quantities of people or things ('muchos marineros').

El barco zarpó de la bahía

English translation of El barco zarpó de la bahía

The ship set sail from the bay

This phrase helps learners understand how to use 'barco' in a past tense sentence. 'Zarpó' is a past tense verb meaning 'set sail'.

El barco transporta carga por el río

English translation of El barco transporta carga por el río

The ship carries cargo along the river

In this sentence, 'barco' is used in conjunction with action (carries) and object (cargo). It helps the student to build sentences involving action, object and places (river).

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