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bandera verde

English translation of bandera verde

Green flag

The Spanish term 'bandera verde' translates in English to 'green flag'. This phrase can be used both literally, referring to a flag of green color, or metaphorically. In a metaphorical context, it typically signifies authorization to proceed with a task or operation. It can also be used in racing sports to signal the start or continuation of a race. Like all languages, its nuances and implications can be understood better through use in conversations and literature.

Example sentences using: bandera verde

Cuando vi la bandera verde en la carrera, aumenté mi velocidad.

English translation of Cuando vi la bandera verde en la carrera, aumenté mi velocidad.

When I saw the green flag in the race, I increased my speed.

In this example, 'bandera verde' is used literally to describe a green flag used in a race, which is usually a symbol to continue or increase speed.

La bandera verde en el mapa significa que es un área segura.

English translation of La bandera verde en el mapa significa que es un área segura.

The green flag on the map means it is a safe area.

Here, 'bandera verde' is symbolically used to indicate a safe spot on a map. The green flag is commonly used in maps and digital interfaces to denote safety or a starting point.

Si todos estamos de acuerdo, entonces es una bandera verde para iniciar el proyecto.

English translation of Si todos estamos de acuerdo, entonces es una bandera verde para iniciar el proyecto.

If we all agree, then it's a green flag to start the project.

In this sentence, 'bandera verde' is used metaphorically to indicate approval or a go-ahead for starting a project. This phrase is similar to the English phrase 'green light' used in the same context.

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