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bandera amarilla

English translation of bandera amarilla

Yellow flag

The Spanish term 'bandera amarilla' translates to 'yellow flag' in English. This can be a physical flag that is colored yellow or a metaphorical signal indicating caution or a moderate level of danger. It can be used in various contexts such as sports to indicate a warning, a caution signal on beaches for risky situations or even in finance as a warning sign of potential risk.

Example sentences using: bandera amarilla

La bandera amarilla ondeaba en el viento

English translation of La bandera amarilla ondeaba en el viento

The yellow flag waved in the wind

This phrase describes a scenario where a yellow flag is fluttering due to the wind.

En la playa, vimos una bandera amarilla y decidimos no nadar

English translation of En la playa, vimos una bandera amarilla y decidimos no nadar

On the beach, we saw a yellow flag and decided not to swim

Here, the yellow flag is used as a cautionary indicator on the beach, advising against swimming due to possibly unsafe conditions.

Por favor, trae la bandera amarilla a la reunión

English translation of Por favor, trae la bandera amarilla a la reunión

Please, bring the yellow flag to the meeting

In this phrase, someone is being requested to bring a yellow flag to a meeting. The purpose of the flag can vary and would be understood by the context.

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