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banda sonora

English translation of banda sonora


The Spanish term 'banda sonora' translates to 'soundtrack' in English. A soundtrack is a recording of music or sounds associated with a movie, television show, or video game. Soundtracks compose the background music that accompanies visual media, and they play a crucial role in setting the mood, tone, and atmosphere of the scene or entire production. In some cases, they might include dialogue, sound effects, or even popular songs, depending on the style of the visual media.

Example sentences using: banda sonora

¿Quién compuso la banda sonora de esta serie?

English translation of ¿Quién compuso la banda sonora de esta serie?

Who composed the soundtrack of this series?

This interrogative sentence queries about the individual who composed the music score ('banda sonora') for a particular television series.

La banda sonora de esa película es maravillosa

English translation of La banda sonora de esa película es maravillosa

The soundtrack of that movie is wonderful

This sentence describes someone's opinion about the music score ('banda sonora') of a specific movie, stating that it is wonderful or high-quality.

Me gustaría comprar la banda sonora de este juego

English translation of Me gustaría comprar la banda sonora de este juego

I would like to buy the soundtrack of this game

In this sentence, the speaker expresses a desire to purchase the music score ('banda sonora') from a specific video game that they appreciate.

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