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Banco Mundial (BM)

English translation of Banco Mundial (BM)

World Bank (BM)

The term 'Banco Mundial (BM)' translates to 'World Bank (BM)' in English. The World Bank is a unique global partnership operating from 189 countries to fight poverty and boost shared prosperity. It provides technical and financial assistance to developing countries for development programs (for example, bridges, schools, roads, etc.) that are expected to improve the economic outlook and quality of life for people in those countries.

Example sentences using: Banco Mundial (BM)

El Banco Mundial (BM) tiene su sede en Washington D.C.

English translation of El Banco Mundial (BM) tiene su sede en Washington D.C.

The World Bank (WB) is based in Washington D.C.

This sentence informs about the location of the headquarters of the World Bank, one of the world's largest and most important financial institutions.

Banco Mundial (BM) es reconocido por proporcionar préstamos a países en desarrollo.

English translation of Banco Mundial (BM) es reconocido por proporcionar préstamos a países en desarrollo.

The World Bank (WB) is known for providing loans to developing countries.

This sentence highlights one of the key roles of the World Bank — providing financial assistance in the form of loans to developing countries to help improve their economy.

De acuerdo con el Banco Mundial (BM), la pobreza ha disminuido significativamente en las últimas décadas.

English translation of De acuerdo con el Banco Mundial (BM), la pobreza ha disminuido significativamente en las últimas décadas.

According to the World Bank (WB), poverty has significantly decreased over the last decades.

In this context, the World Bank is being referred to as a reliable source of statistical data and the sentence emphasizes its role in monitoring and reporting economic and social trends at a global level.

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