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English translation of ballet


The word 'ballet' is the same in both Spanish and English. It refers to a highly technical form of dance with its own vocabulary. It originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th and 16th centuries and was later adopted in France. Ballet is often choreographed and performed by trained artists, often accompanied by music. It uses precise, formalized steps, which is why ballet is often considered to be the basis of other high-level dance genres. From formalized court spectacles, it became an independent art form and spread across the world where it continues to contribute significantly to the world of performing arts.

Example sentences using: ballet

Ella practica ballet todos los días.

English translation of Ella practica ballet todos los días.

She practices ballet every day.

This phrase indicates that the person referred to (she) has a routine of practicing ballet each day, suggesting her passion or commitment towards ballet.

El espectáculo de ballet fue asombroso.

English translation of El espectáculo de ballet fue asombroso.

The ballet show was amazing.

This phrase tells about someone's positive experience of watching a ballet show, expressing the sentiment that it was very impressive or awe-inspiring.

El ballet requiere mucha disciplina y entrenamiento.

English translation of El ballet requiere mucha disciplina y entrenamiento.

Ballet requires a lot of discipline and training.

This phrase underlines the demanding nature of ballet, indicating that it requires substantial effort, discipline, and training to master this form of art.

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