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bajar los intereses

English translation of bajar los intereses

lower interest

The phrase 'bajar los intereses' in Spanish translates to 'lower the interest' in English. It's commonly used in economic and financial contexts where interest rates are involved. For instance, it can refer to the action taken by a financial institution or central bank to reduce the rates at which money is lent. It may also be used more broadly to convey the idea of reducing interest or enthusiasm in something.

Example sentences using: bajar los intereses

El banco decidió bajar los intereses del préstamo hipotecario.

English translation of El banco decidió bajar los intereses del préstamo hipotecario.

The bank decided to lower the interest of the mortgage.

This sentence is used to describe an action by the bank when they decide to lower the interest rate of a mortgage. Bajar los intereses here refers to the act of reducing the cost of the interest charged on a loan.

Si logro bajar los intereses de mi tarjeta de crédito, podré ahorrar más dinero.

English translation of Si logro bajar los intereses de mi tarjeta de crédito, podré ahorrar más dinero.

If I manage to lower the interest on my credit card, I could save more money.

This sentence expresses the speaker's hypothetical situation where if they can lower the interest rates charged by their credit card, they could save more money. Bajar los intereses in this context refers to the reduction of the interest rates charged on their credit card.

El gobierno tiene un plan para bajar los intereses en los préstamos estudiantiles.

English translation of El gobierno tiene un plan para bajar los intereses en los préstamos estudiantiles.

The government has a plan to lower the interest on student loans.

This sentence is announcing a plan by the government to lower the interest rates on student loans. Bajar los intereses here refers to the act of reducing the cost of interest on student loans.

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