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bajar la bolsa

English translation of bajar la bolsa

lower the stock

The Spanish phrase 'bajar la bolsa' translates to 'lower the stock' in English. In a financial context, it can depict a decline or decrease in the value of stocks in a particular market. When used in normal conversation, it could also signify the reduction or lowering down of something that is held in high regard.

Example sentences using: bajar la bolsa

Es nuestra responsabilidad bajar la bolsa de basura cada noche.

English translation of Es nuestra responsabilidad bajar la bolsa de basura cada noche.

It is our responsibility to take out the trash every night.

In this example, 'bajar la bolsa' is used in the context of taking out the trash. This phrase brings out the action of carrying something from a higher place to a lower place, specifically a bag of trash.

Cuando vaya al mercado, no olvides bajar la bolsa del carro.

English translation of Cuando vaya al mercado, no olvides bajar la bolsa del carro.

When you go to the market, don't forget to take the bag out of the car.

In this example, 'bajar la bolsa' is used to express the action of removing a bag from an elevated location, such as a car. It's a common phrase when referring to removing items from a car.

Después de hacer la compra, mi madre me pide que baje la bolsa a la cocina.

English translation of Después de hacer la compra, mi madre me pide que baje la bolsa a la cocina.

After shopping, my mother asks me to take the bag to the kitchen.

In this example, 'bajar la bolsa' refers to carrying the shopping bag to a lower place, in this case, the kitchen. This use of the phrase emphasizes the physical action of moving items from one location to another.

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