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English translation of bahía


The word 'bahía' in Spanish translates to 'bay' in English. This term is generally used to refer to a body of water partially surrounded by land but with a wide mouth, affording access to the sea. It is usually more enclosed than a gulf. Understanding the term 'bahía' can make you more familiar with geographical conversations or discussions in Spanish.

Example sentences using: bahía

La bahía de San Francisco es increíblemente hermosa.

English translation of La bahía de San Francisco es increíblemente hermosa.

The San Francisco bay is incredibly beautiful.

This sentence is expressing an opinion about the beauty of the bay in San Francisco. The adjective 'hermosa' is used to describe the noun 'bahía', meaning 'bay'.

Nos vamos a pescar en la bahía mañana.

English translation of Nos vamos a pescar en la bahía mañana.

We are going fishing in the bay tomorrow.

This sentence is stating a future action that involves fishing in a bay. 'Nos vamos a' is used to express future tense in Spanish.

La bahía estaba llena de barcos de vela.

English translation of La bahía estaba llena de barcos de vela.

The bay was full of sailing boats.

This sentence describes a scene where the bay is filled with sailing boats. The adjective 'llena' describes the situation of the 'bahía', which means bay.

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