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English translation of avioneta

small plane

The Spanish word 'avioneta' translates to 'small plane' in English. It is a noun typically used to refer to a light aircraft that is smaller than a conventional airplane. This may include private aircraft, small passenger planes or small cargo aircraft. The term 'avioneta' is often used in contexts related to aviation, travel, and transportation.

Example sentences using: avioneta

Vimos una avioneta volando en el cielo.

English translation of Vimos una avioneta volando en el cielo.

We saw a light aircraft flying in the sky.

This sentence is in the past tense, explaining that the speaker saw a light aircraft (avioneta) in the sky. It could be used in a variety of contexts when recounting past events.

El piloto voló la avioneta sobre el océano.

English translation of El piloto voló la avioneta sobre el océano.

The pilot flew the light aircraft over the ocean.

This sentence is also in the past tense, indicating that a pilot flew a light aircraft (avioneta) over an ocean. It's a more specific scenario that might come up in stories or news related to aviation, travel or adventure.

Estoy aprendiendo a pilotar una avioneta.

English translation of Estoy aprendiendo a pilotar una avioneta.

I am learning to pilot a light aircraft.

This sentence is in present tense, stating that the speaker is currently learning how to pilot a lightweight aircraft (avioneta). It could be used by an individual sharing their present activities, particularly those related to acquiring new skills or hobbies.

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