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aves de corral

English translation of aves de corral


The Spanish term 'aves de corral' translates to 'poultry' in English. This term broadly refers to domesticated birds kept by humans for their meat, eggs, or feathers. These typically include chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. In both languages, the term does not refer to the animals when they are in the wild, only when they are raised on farms or similar settings.

Example sentences using: aves de corral

Las aves de corral son una gran fuente de proteínas.

English translation of Las aves de corral son una gran fuente de proteínas.

Poultry is a great source of protein.

In this context, 'aves de corral' refers to domesticated birds like chickens or ducks that are raised for their eggs or meat. This sentence could be used in a discussion about nutrition.

En mi granja cultivamos varias aves de corral.

English translation of En mi granja cultivamos varias aves de corral.

On my farm, we raise various types of poultry.

In this sentence, 'aves de corral' is used to refer to the different types of domesticated birds that are raised on a farm. The speaker owns a farm and raises multiple kinds of poultry.

Existen muchas recetas deliciosas con aves de corral.

English translation of Existen muchas recetas deliciosas con aves de corral.

There are many delicious recipes with poultry.

This sentence uses 'aves de corral' to reference the many ways that poultry can be prepared in cooking. It implies that there's a wide variety of tasty dishes that can be made using poultry.

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