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avance científico

English translation of avance científico

scientific advance

The Spanish term 'avance científico' translates to 'scientific advance' in English. It is used when there is a significant progression in the field of science, which could be a new innovation, discovery, or development. This could encompass a range of areas from medical breakthroughs, to advances in technology, and understanding of the natural world.

Example sentences using: avance científico

El avance científico ha transformado nuestra vida cotidiana.

English translation of El avance científico ha transformado nuestra vida cotidiana.

Scientific advancement has transformed our daily life.

This sentence illustrates that the progress made in the field of science has drastically changed the way we live on a day-to-day basis. It can be used to emphasize the impact and significance of scientific developments.

Gracias al avance científico, ahora tenemos vacunas para muchas enfermedades.

English translation of Gracias al avance científico, ahora tenemos vacunas para muchas enfermedades.

Thanks to scientific advancement, we now have vaccines for many diseases.

This sentence represents the contribution of scientific progress in medical field. It shows that due to the advancements in science, we have been able to find vaccines for many diseases.

El avance científico es crucial para la evolución de nuestra sociedad.

English translation of El avance científico es crucial para la evolución de nuestra sociedad.

Scientific advancement is crucial for the evolution of our society.

In this sentence, the speaker is highlighting the importance of scientific progress for the development and progress of our society. It suggests that without scientific advancements, society wouldn't continue to evolve and improve.

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