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English translation of autoridad


The word 'autoridad', translated from English word 'authority', refers to the power or right to give orders, make decisions, or enforce obedience. In Spanish, it is commonly used in context of political, legal, or administrative areas, and it has the same usage as in English. It can also refer to a person or organization having political or administrative power and control.

Example sentences using: autoridad

El director tiene autoridad sobre los empleados.

English translation of El director tiene autoridad sobre los empleados.

The director has authority over the employees.

This sentence is a demonstration of power hierarchy in the workplace. 'Tiene' is the verb 'to have' and 'sobre' means 'over', showing that the director is in a position of power or authority over the employees.

La autoridad local está investigando el incidente.

English translation of La autoridad local está investigando el incidente.

The local authority is investigating the incident.

This sentence describes an action commonly associated with the police or local government. 'Está investigando' is the present progressive form of the verb 'to investigate', denoting an ongoing action.

Ella habló con autoridad durante la reunión.

English translation of Ella habló con autoridad durante la reunión.

She spoke with authority during the meeting.

In this context, the word 'autoridad' metaphorically refers to the confidence or command in someone's speech. 'Habló' is the past tense of the verb 'to speak'.

La autoridad tiene el deber de proteger a los ciudadanos.

English translation of La autoridad tiene el deber de proteger a los ciudadanos.

The authority has the duty to protect the citizens.

This sentence speaks about the responsibilities of the authorities. 'el deber' translates directly as 'the duty', and 'proteger' means 'to protect'. The sentence ends with 'a los ciudadanos' or 'the citizens'.

La nueva regulación otorga más autoridad al presidente.

English translation of La nueva regulación otorga más autoridad al presidente.

The new regulation gives the president more authority.

In this example, 'otorga' means 'gives' or 'grants', while 'nueva regulación' stands for 'new regulation'. This shows changes in the distribution of authority due to a new rule.

La autoridad competente resolverá el problema.

English translation of La autoridad competente resolverá el problema.

The competent authority will solve the problem.

In this sentence, we're stating a future action to be performed by a competent authority. 'Resolverá' is a future tense form of the verb 'resolver', which means 'to solve'.

Exijo respeto a mi autoridad.

English translation of Exijo respeto a mi autoridad.

I demand respect for my authority.

This sentence shows a personal assertion for respect towards one's authority. 'Exijo' is the first person form of the verb 'to demand' and 'respeto' translates to 'respect'.

Su autoridad fue cuestionada por el equipo.

English translation of Su autoridad fue cuestionada por el equipo.

Their authority was questioned by the team.

This sentence describes a situation where a person's authority is being doubted or challenged by others. 'Fue cuestionada' uses the passive voice of the verb 'cuestionar' which means 'to question'.

Admiro su autoridad en el tema.

English translation of Admiro su autoridad en el tema.

I admire their authority on the subject.

This sentence expresses sentiment towards a person's expert knowledge or proficiency in a specific area. 'Admiro' is the first person form of the verb 'to admire'.

No tengo autoridad para tomar esa decisión.

English translation of No tengo autoridad para tomar esa decisión.

I do not have the authority to make that decision.

This sentence indicates the personal limit in decision making power. 'No tengo' means 'I do not have', followed by the phrase 'para tomar esa decisión' which means 'to make that decision'.

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