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English translation of autor


The Spanish word 'autor' is used to refer to the writer of a book, article, or report. It can also be used in a broader sense to indicate the person who created or started something. Just like in English, it is used both in formal and informal contexts. It's important to note that the gender of the noun changes based on the sex of the person it's referring to, 'autor' for males and 'autora' for females.

Example sentences using: autor

El autor vive en España.

English translation of El autor vive en España.

The author lives in Spain.

This sentence tells us where the author lives. 'vive' comes from the verb 'vivir', which means 'to live'.

El autor escribió un nuevo libro.

English translation of El autor escribió un nuevo libro.

The author wrote a new book.

This sentence uses 'autor' to identify the person who wrote the book. In Spanish, the 'el' at the start of the sentence is the masculine form of 'the'.

El retrato del autor se encuentra en la contraportada del libro.

English translation of El retrato del autor se encuentra en la contraportada del libro.

The portrait of the author is on the back cover of the book.

In this sentence, 'autor' is used in conjunction with 'el', meaning 'the', and 'retrato', meaning 'portrait', to describe where a picture of the author is located.

El autor tiene una gran imaginación.

English translation of El autor tiene una gran imaginación.

The author has a great imagination.

This phrase is recognizing the creativity of the author. 'tiene' is the third person singular form of the verb 'tener', which means 'to have'.

El autor recibió varios premios por su trabajo.

English translation of El autor recibió varios premios por su trabajo.

The author received several awards for his work.

'recibió' is the past form of 'recibir', which means 'to receive'. 'su' substitutes for 'his' or 'her' in English.

El autor firma autógrafos en la librería.

English translation of El autor firma autógrafos en la librería.

The author signs autographs at the bookstore.

'firma' is the verb 'sign' and 'autógrafos' is the direct translation of 'autographs' in the context of a person signing their name.

Este libro fue traducido del francés por el autor.

English translation of Este libro fue traducido del francés por el autor.

This book was translated from French by the author.

In this sentence, we see the use of past participle 'traducido' ('translated') and the preposition 'por' ('by'), indicating who did the translating.

El autor siempre ha querido escribir una novela.

English translation of El autor siempre ha querido escribir una novela.

The author has always wanted to write a novel.

'ha querido' denotes a past desire that is still relevant in the present, meaning 'has wanted'. The word 'siempre' means 'always'.

El autor se inspiró en sus viajes para escribir el libro.

English translation of El autor se inspiró en sus viajes para escribir el libro.

The author got inspired by his travels to write the book.

This sentence implies that the author's travels served as an inspiration for writing the book. 'se inspiró' is the past tense of 'to get inspired'.

Este es el primer libro del autor.

English translation of Este es el primer libro del autor.

This is the author's first book.

'este' means 'this', 'es' means 'is' and 'del' means 'of the'. The sentence structure in Spanish slightly differs from English.

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