(Auto)biografía is a Spanish term which means (auto)biography in English. This refers to a detailed description of a person's life written by someone else (biography), or a detailed description of one's own life (autobiography). AutoBiografía can also include details like birth, education, work, relationships and death, usually including an analysis of the person's personality and significant events in their life.
I am reading the autobiography of Gabriel García Márquez.
The subject 'Estoy' translates to 'I am', 'leyendo' is the present participle of 'read', 'la' is the definite article 'the' and 'autobiografía de Gabriel García Márquez' is the autobiography of Gabriel García Márquez. This statement refers to an ongoing action.
The biography of Frida Kahlo is inspiring.
In this sentence, 'La' refers to 'The', 'biografía' translates to 'biography', and 'Frida Kahlo' is the name of the person whose biography is being discussed. 'Es' is 'is' and 'inspiradora' means 'inspiring'. This describes the state or condition of the biography.
Have you ever written an autobiography?
The term '¿Has escrito?' translates to 'Have you written?'. 'Alguna vez' is 'ever', 'una' is an indefinite article 'an' and 'autobiografía' is 'autobiography'. This is a question about whether or not the person has had an experience of writing an autobiography in their life.