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aumento de la natalidad

English translation of aumento de la natalidad

increase in birth

The Spanish term 'aumento de la natalidad' translates to 'increase in birth' in English. It's commonly used in demographic and statistical contexts to describe a situation or a period during which the number of births in a particular area or country significantly grows. The phenomenon is often related to various societal, economical, or cultural factors that encourage larger family sizes or improved conditions promoting higher birth rates.

Example sentences using: aumento de la natalidad

El aumento de la natalidad en nuestro país es notable.

English translation of El aumento de la natalidad en nuestro país es notable.

The increase in birth rate in our country is significant.

This sentence asserts that there has been a noteworthy increase in the number of births in the speaker's country.

Una politica pro-familia ha resultado en un aumento de la natalidad.

English translation of Una politica pro-familia ha resultado en un aumento de la natalidad.

A pro-family policy has resulted in an increase in the birth rate.

This sentence implies a causal relationship between a policy favorable to families and an increase in the number of births.

El impacto del aumento de la natalidad se siente en las escuelas.

English translation of El impacto del aumento de la natalidad se siente en las escuelas.

The impact of the increase in birth rate is being felt in schools.

In this sentence, the discussion revolves around the effect on schools - presumably due to increased enrollments - of a rise in the number of births.

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