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ATS (Ayudante Técnico Sanitario)

English translation of ATS (Ayudante Técnico Sanitario)

ATS (Health Technical Assistant)

The word 'ATS (Ayudante Técnico Sanitario)' is a Spanish term used to represent the English term 'Health Technical Assistant'. This career resides in the medical field, usually supporting doctors in achieving their medical duties. Their responsibilities range from administrative tasks, preparing patients for procedures, and even performing some basic clinical tasks. In English-speaking countries, they might also be referred to as 'Nursing Associates' or 'Physician Assistants'.

Example sentences using: ATS (Ayudante Técnico Sanitario)

Mi hermano estudia para ser un ATS.

English translation of Mi hermano estudia para ser un ATS.

My brother is studying to be a ATS (Ayudante Técnico Sanitario).

In this sentence, the speaker is saying that his brother is currently studying to become a 'Ayudante Técnico Sanitario', which is a type of health technician in Spanish-speaking countries.

El ATS acudirá a la urgencia.

English translation of El ATS acudirá a la urgencia.

The ATS (Ayudante Técnico Sanitario) will attend to the emergency.

This sentence tells us that a 'Ayudante Técnico Sanitario' will be the one to respond to an emergency situation. In this context, ATS refers to a health professional who attends to medical emergencies.

El rol del ATS es esencial en el hospital.

English translation of El rol del ATS es esencial en el hospital.

The role of the ATS (Ayudante Técnico Sanitario) is essential in the hospital.

The speaker in this sentence is expressing that the role of an 'Ayudante Técnico Sanitario' is crucial within the hospital setting. This statement highlights the importance of this profession in healthcare systems.

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