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atravesar el océano

English translation of atravesar el océano

across the ocean

The phrase 'atravesar el océano' in Spanish translates to 'across the ocean' in English. This phrase can be used in several contexts, but it primarily denotes the action of crossing an ocean, whether that be physically traversing the water body, like during a flight or a voyage, or metaphorically implying a wide or significant journey or transformation. Similar phrases in English might include 'crossing the sea' or 'journey across the ocean'.

Example sentences using: atravesar el océano

Tomás planea atravesar el océano en un barco de vela.

English translation of Tomás planea atravesar el océano en un barco de vela.

Tomás plans to cross the ocean in a sailboat.

This sentence describes a situation where a person named Tomás is planning to navigate across the ocean using a sailboat. The verb 'atravesar' is used here to mean 'cross' or 'travel across'.

Para encontrar nuevas tierras, los antiguos exploradores tenían que atravesar el océano.

English translation of Para encontrar nuevas tierras, los antiguos exploradores tenían que atravesar el océano.

To find new lands, the ancient explorers had to cross the ocean.

This statement emphasizes the hardships faced by ancient explorers during their quests for discovery. It shows the geographical reality they confronted: 'crossing the ocean' was a necessary endeavor to find unexplored territories.

Mi madre siempre decía que conocer otro continente es como atravesar el océano mentalmente.

English translation of Mi madre siempre decía que conocer otro continente es como atravesar el océano mentalmente.

My mother always said that knowing another continent is like mentally crossing the ocean.

In this example, the phase 'crossing the ocean' is used figuratively. It's equated with the experience of learning about another continent, suggesting that the process can be challenging and vast, similar to the idea of crossing an ocean.

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