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English translation of atmósfera


The Spanish word 'atmósfera' translates to 'atmosphere' in English. It refers to the layer of gases surrounding a material body of sufficient mass, especially the ones like our planet Earth. It can also refer to the ambiance or mood in a particular environment or setting. For instance, the atmosphere at a party or any social gathering. This term is commonly used in contexts relating to environmental science, meteorology, aviation, and space exploration.

Example sentences using: atmósfera

La atmósfera de Marte es mucho más delgada que la de la Tierra.

English translation of La atmósfera de Marte es mucho más delgada que la de la Tierra.

The atmosphere of Mars is much thinner than that of Earth.

This sentence compares the atmosphere of Mars to that of Earth, using the adjective 'delgada' (thin) to describe the Martian atmosphere.

La atmósfera del lugar se sentía tensa.

English translation of La atmósfera del lugar se sentía tensa.

The atmosphere of the place felt tense.

In this sentence, 'atmosphere' is used in a social context to refer to the general mood or vibe of a place, described as 'tense'.

Los astronautas deben usar trajes espaciales para protegerse de la atmósfera hostil del espacio.

English translation of Los astronautas deben usar trajes espaciales para protegerse de la atmósfera hostil del espacio.

Astronauts must wear spacesuits to protect themselves from the hostile atmosphere of space.

This sentence highlights the need for astronauts to wear spacesuits. The adjective 'hostil' (hostile) is used to describe the unsuitable living conditions presented by the atmosphere of space.

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