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atender a un enfermo

English translation of atender a un enfermo

attending to a sick person

The Spanish phrase 'atender a un enfermo' translates to 'attending to a sick person' in English. It is typically used in healthcare settings, such as hospitals and clinics, where doctors, nurses, and other medical staff are responsible for attending to or caring for sick individuals. The verb 'atender' signifies paying attention to or taking care of, 'un' translates to 'a,' and 'enfermo' means 'sick person.' So in essence, this phrase conveys the act of taking care of a sick person's health needs.

Example sentences using: atender a un enfermo

Mi profesión me obliga a atender a un enfermo todos los días.

English translation of Mi profesión me obliga a atender a un enfermo todos los días.

My profession requires me to attend to a sick person every day.

This sentence illustrates someone expressing their everyday work duty. In this context, 'atender a un enfermo' means caring for someone who is ill, a common duty in healthcare professions.

Cuando trabajas en un hospital, tienes que estar preparado para atender a un enfermo.

English translation of Cuando trabajas en un hospital, tienes que estar preparado para atender a un enfermo.

When you work in a hospital, you have to be prepared to attend to a sick person.

This sentence illustrates someone talking about the preparedness needed when working in a healthcare environment. Here, 'atender a un enfermo' is conveying the idea of providing care to a patient, which is an essential part of working in a hospital.

Es importante tener paciencia cuando tienes que atender a un enfermo.

English translation of Es importante tener paciencia cuando tienes que atender a un enfermo.

It's important to have patience when you have to attend to a sick person.

In this statement, the speaker is emphasizing the virtue of patience in taking care of a sick person. Once again, 'atender a un enfermo' is used to suggest the idea of caring for someone who is ill, and it is highlighted that this task requires patience.

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