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ataque epiléptico

English translation of ataque epiléptico

Epileptic attack

The Spanish term 'ataque epiléptico' translates to 'epileptic attack' in English. It is often used in medical contexts or in personal discussions relating to health conditions. The phrase refers to the sudden occurrence of symptoms due to excessive electrical activity in the brain, commonly known as a seizure. The symptoms can vary widely and might include temporary confusion, staring spell, uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, loss of consciousness or awareness, and fear, anxiety or deja vu. People who frequently experience these episodes are typically diagnosed with epilepsy, hence the English translation as 'epileptic attack'.

Example sentences using: ataque epiléptico

Mi hermano tuvo un ataque epiléptico durante el evento deportivo.

English translation of Mi hermano tuvo un ataque epiléptico durante el evento deportivo.

My brother had an epileptic seizure during the sporting event.

In this sentence, the speaker is discussing a past event where their brother had an epileptic seizure. The phrase 'ataque epiléptico' is used here to describe the serious health concern that occurred during said event.

Los síntomas de un ataque epiléptico pueden ser muy variados.

English translation of Los síntomas de un ataque epiléptico pueden ser muy variados.

The symptoms of an epileptic seizure can vary greatly.

This example sentence talks about the various symptoms one might experience during an epileptic seizure. Here, 'ataque epiléptico' is used to address a medical condition and its potential symptoms.

El doctor le prescribió medicación para prevenir otro ataque epiléptico.

English translation of El doctor le prescribió medicación para prevenir otro ataque epiléptico.

The doctor prescribed him medication to prevent another epileptic seizure.

In this sentence, 'ataque epiléptico' is used in a medical context where the doctor prescribes medicine to prevent further seizures. It is used to express the prevention of the reoccurrence of epileptic seizures.

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