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English translation of ataque


The Spanish term for 'attack' is 'ataque'. This word can be used in various contexts such as a physical or verbal action against someone or something, a sudden illness like a heart 'ataque', in sport events to refer an offensive action or in computer systems to refer to malicious activities. Just like in English, 'ataque' carries a similar usage and connotation in the Spanish language.

Example sentences using: ataque

El ataque de hambre me obligó a comer

English translation of El ataque de hambre me obligó a comer

Hunger pangs forced me to eat

'Ataque de hambre' can be translated as 'hunger pangs', signifying a sudden, intense desire to eat.

El equipo está preparando un ataque

English translation of El equipo está preparando un ataque

The team is preparing an attack

In this example, 'ataque' is used in the context of a game or sport. This phrase suggests that the team is preparing an offensive strategy to win the game.

El ataque de risa de Juan fue contagioso

English translation of El ataque de risa de Juan fue contagioso

Juan's laughing fit was contagious

Here, 'ataque de risa' translates as a fit of laughter, describing a situation in which someone (Juan) started laughing uncontrollably, and this laughter spread to others.

La ciudad resistió el ataque

English translation of La ciudad resistió el ataque

The city resisted the attack

In this scenario, 'ataque' likely refers to a military attack or invasion. It suggests that despite being attacked, the city's defenses held strong.

Tuvo un ataque de pánico en el metro

English translation of Tuvo un ataque de pánico en el metro

She had a panic attack on the subway

In this sentence, 'ataque de pánico' refers to an extreme anxiety episode often characterized by rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, and a fear of impending doom.

El ataque al corazón fue fatal

English translation of El ataque al corazón fue fatal

The heart attack was fatal

A 'ataque al corazón' refers to a medical condition where the blood supply to the heart is blocked, commonly referred to as a heart attack in English. 'Fatal' means causing death.

El mosquito transmite el ataque de malaria

English translation of El mosquito transmite el ataque de malaria

The mosquito transmits the attack of malaria

'Ataque de malaria' refers to a bout or episode of malaria disease, which is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito.

El perro lanzó un ataque contra el gato

English translation of El perro lanzó un ataque contra el gato

The dog launched an attack against the cat

This phrase is talking about an aggressive action performed by a dog. The verb 'lanzó' (launched) is used metaphorically here, suggesting a sudden and forceful action. 'Ataque' is the noun for 'attack'.

El ejército ataque al enemigo al amanecer

English translation of El ejército ataque al enemigo al amanecer

The army attacked the enemy at dawn

'Ataque' in this sentence is actually conjugated as 'atacó', referring to an action performed by the army. 'Al amanecer' specifies the time the action occurred which was at dawn.

Recibí un ataque de bronquitis en invierno

English translation of Recibí un ataque de bronquitis en invierno

I got a bout of bronchitis in winter

'Ataque de bronquitis' refers to an episode or bout of bronchitis, which is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes that carry air to your lungs. The phrase suggests that the person suffered from this illness during the winter.

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