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English translation of astronomía


Astronomy is a science that studies celestial objects and phenomena. It uses mathematics, physics, and chemistry in order to explain their origin and evolution. Such objects and phenomena include planets, moons, stars, nebulae, galaxies, and comets.

Example sentences using: astronomía

Yo estoy aprendiendo sobre la Astronomía.

English translation of Yo estoy aprendiendo sobre la Astronomía.

I am learning about Astronomy.

This sentence is expressing the speaker's current action which is learning about Astronomy. 'Estoy aprendiendo' is the present progressive form which means 'I am learning'.

La Astronomía es una ciencia fascinante.

English translation of La Astronomía es una ciencia fascinante.

Astronomy is a fascinating science.

This sentence informs the listener that Astronomy is fascinating (interesting). 'Es' is a form of the verb 'ser', indicating a characteristic or definition of something.

En Astronomía, el telescopio es esencial.

English translation of En Astronomía, el telescopio es esencial.

In Astronomy, the telescope is essential.

In this example, the sentence says that for the study or observation of Astronomy, the telescope is a crucial tool. 'Es' is used for describing the importance of the telescope.

Me gusta la Astronomía.

English translation of Me gusta la Astronomía.

I like Astronomy.

'Me gusta' translates as 'I like', it is used to express liking or enjoyment of something, in this case, Astronomy.

Estoy leyendo un libro de Astronomía.

English translation of Estoy leyendo un libro de Astronomía.

I am reading a book about Astronomy.

This phrase is describing a current action of reading a book where the subject is Astronomy. 'Estoy leyendo' is the present progressive form which reflects 'I am reading'.

Podemos ver las estrellas en la clase de Astronomía.

English translation of Podemos ver las estrellas en la clase de Astronomía.

We can see the stars in Astronomy class.

'Podemos ver' translates as 'we can see'. This sentence tells that in the context of an Astronomy class, viewing or brainstorming of stars is possible.

Mi hermano trabaja en el campo de la Astronomía.

English translation of Mi hermano trabaja en el campo de la Astronomía.

My brother works in the field of Astronomy.

This sentence is informing that the person's brother works in an Astronomy-related job. 'Trabaja en' is used to indicate the place or field where a person works.

La Astronomía estudia los cuerpos celestes.

English translation of La Astronomía estudia los cuerpos celestes.

Astronomy studies celestial bodies.

This sentence uses 'estudia' (studies) to describe what the science of Astronomy does, that is, it studies celestial bodies.

La Astronomía ha descubierto nuevos planetas.

English translation of La Astronomía ha descubierto nuevos planetas.

Astronomy has discovered new planets.

This sentence uses 'ha descubierto' (has discovered) to describe a past action done by Astronomy - the discovery of new planets.

Voy a estudiar Astronomía en la universidad.

English translation of Voy a estudiar Astronomía en la universidad.

I'm going to study Astronomy at university.

This example refers to a future action - planning to study Astronomy at university. 'Voy a estudiar' translates to 'I'm going to study'.

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