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English translation of astronauta


The word 'astronauta' is a noun in the Spanish language, originating from the combination of the Greek words 'astro', meaning star, and 'nauta', meaning sailor. In English, this word translates to 'astronaut'. An astronauta/astronaut is a person who is trained by a human spaceflight program to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a spacecraft. Although generally reserved for professional space travelers, the terms are sometimes applied to anyone who travels into space, including scientists, politicians, journalists, and tourists.

Example sentences using: astronauta

El astronauta está en la nave espacial.

English translation of El astronauta está en la nave espacial.

The astronaut is in the spaceship.

This sentence is a simple statement showing the location of the astronaut. It's a basic sentence structure in Spanish similar to English: Subject + verb + location.

English translation of Mi sueño es ser astronauta.

It's a popular expression among children demonstrating dreams or future aspirations. The sentence is in the present tense, but talks about the future.


El astronauta lleva un traje espacial.

English translation of El astronauta lleva un traje espacial.

The astronaut wears a spacesuit.

This sentence describes what the astronaut is wearing. In Spanish, the verb 'lleva' can mean 'wears' or 'carries'. In this context, it's used to indicate a garment someone is wearing.

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