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asesinar a alguien

English translation of asesinar a alguien

murder someone

The Spanish phrase 'asesinar a alguien' translates to 'murder someone' in English. It is generally used in legal, crime-related, and dramatic contexts to refer to the act of unlawfully killing another person intentionally and with premeditation. It's a strong and serious term showing extreme action and it's highly advisable to be cautious when using it.

Example sentences using: asesinar a alguien

El juez lo encontró culpable de intentar asesinar a alguien.

English translation of El juez lo encontró culpable de intentar asesinar a alguien.

The judge found him guilty of trying to murder someone.

This sentence refers to a legal situation where an individual is found guilty by a judge for the specific crime of attempting to murder another person.

Es importante que la policía encuentre evidencia antes de acusar a una persona de asesinar a alguien.

English translation of Es importante que la policía encuentre evidencia antes de acusar a una persona de asesinar a alguien.

It is important that the police find evidence before accusing a person of murdering someone.

This sentence highlights the importance of evidence in making an accusation, particularly for a serious crime like murder, implying that accusations should not be made carelessly.

La película trata sobre un hombre que fue acusado erróneamente de asesinar a alguien.

English translation of La película trata sobre un hombre que fue acusado erróneamente de asesinar a alguien.

The movie is about a man who was wrongly accused of murdering someone.

In this sentence, the issue of wrongful accusation in a murder case is presented as the plot of a movie. It tells us that the theme of the movie revolves around the protagonist being mistakenly accused of the crime of murder.

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