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ascenso de la población

English translation of ascenso de la población

promotion of the population

The Spanish term 'ascenso de la población' translates to 'promotion of the population' in English. This can refer to economic, social, or general improvement of a group of people within a certain population. For instance, it could imply improving living standards, increasing opportunities, or enhancing the level of education. The term optimistically suggests a positive forward motion of society as a whole rather than individual enhancement.

Example sentences using: ascenso de la población

El ascenso de la población en la ciudad ha llevado a un aumento de la demanda de viviendas.

English translation of El ascenso de la población en la ciudad ha llevado a un aumento de la demanda de viviendas.

The rise of the population in the city has led to an increase in the demand for housing.

This sentence explains the correlation between population growth in a city and the increasing demand for houses. As the population rises, more houses are needed to accommodate people.

La falta de recursos es más evidente con el ascenso de la población.

English translation of La falta de recursos es más evidente con el ascenso de la población.

The lack of resources is more evident with the population rise.

This sentence talks about the noticeable impact of population growth on resources. As the population increases, resources become more finite and possibly not enough to satisfy everyone's needs.

La infraestructura de la ciudad está presionada por el ascenso de la población.

English translation of La infraestructura de la ciudad está presionada por el ascenso de la población.

The city's infrastructure is pressured by the population rise.

This sentence underlines the pressure on a city's infrastructure due to population growth. As more people live in the city, infrastructure like roads, bridges, or utilities can become strained.

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