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ascenso de la natalidad

English translation of ascenso de la natalidad

promotion of birth

The phrase 'ascenso de la natalidad' in Spanish translates to 'promotion of birth' in English. This phrase could be used in a variety of contexts but is commonly associated with policies or strategies aimed at increasing birth rates in a population. These may include incentives such as financial benefits, improved healthcare services, extended parental leave or various forms of support for families with children.

Example sentences using: ascenso de la natalidad

El ascenso de la natalidad ha impulsado al gobierno a abrir más colegios.

English translation of El ascenso de la natalidad ha impulsado al gobierno a abrir más colegios.

The rise in birth rate has pushed the government to open more schools.

The sentence is reflecting on the fact the government is reacting to the increasing birth rate by providing more educational institutions, implying there would be more children in need of schooling in the future.

La economía se ve afectada por el ascenso de la natalidad, ya que requiere un mayor gasto en servicios públicos.

English translation of La economía se ve afectada por el ascenso de la natalidad, ya que requiere un mayor gasto en servicios públicos.

The economy is affected by the rise in birth rate, as it requires an increase in spending on public services.

This statement underlines the economic impacts that a rise in the birth rate can have, implying the need for more infrastructure, healthcare and services for the increased population.

El rápido ascenso de la natalidad ha sorprendido a los demógrafos.

English translation of El rápido ascenso de la natalidad ha sorprendido a los demógrafos.

The rapid rise in birth rates has surprised demographers.

This sentence refers to the surprising increase in birth rates in a certain context or time period, potentially faster or higher than demographers or population experts had predicted.

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