The Spanish word 'artículo' means 'article' in English. It can refer to a piece of writing in a newspaper, magazine or other publication. It can also refer to a particular item or object. 'Artículo' is used similarly to how 'article' is used in English, either to refer to a written piece or a specific object within a collection or a list of things.
The article is on the table.
The word 'artículo' in this context is referring to a specific item or document. In Spanish, 'la mesa' is the feminine form for 'the table', and 'el' is the masculine form for 'the' when used before singular, masculine nouns.
I need to read that article for school.
The word 'artículo' is referring to a written document or paper. 'Necesito' means 'I need', 'leer' means 'to read', and 'escuela' is Spanish for 'school'.
My professor wrote an article about history.
In this context, 'artículo' refers to a written document or paper usually for academic purposes. 'Profesor' is Spanish for 'professor', and 'historia' is the Spanish word for 'history'.
The article in the newspaper was very interesting.
'Periódico' is the Spanish word for 'newspaper' and 'interesante' translates to 'interesting'. 'Artículo' here is in reference to a written piece of work within the pages of a newspaper.
This is the best article I have read.
'Mejor' is the Spanish word for 'best', and 'leído' translates to 'read'. 'Artículo' in this instance refers to a document or text that the speaker has read.
The article was published in the magazine.
'Publicado' means 'published' and 'revista' translates to 'magazine'. 'Artículo' in this case refers to a text that has been published in a magazine.
I'm going to buy an item in the store.
In this context, 'artículo' refers to an item or product in a store. 'Comprar' means 'to buy' and 'tienda' translates to 'store'.
I lost the item that I bought.
Here, 'artículo' is referring to an item or a product that the speaker purchased. 'Perdí' means 'I lost' and 'compré' translates to 'I bought'.
The best-selling item is the best.
In this example, 'artículo' is an item or product. 'Más vendido' is the Spanish term for 'best-selling'.
There is not enough space for this item.
Here, 'artículo' is referencing an item or object. 'Suficiente' translates to 'enough' and 'espacio' means 'space'.