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arte realista

English translation of arte realista

realistic art

The Spanish term 'arte realista' translates to 'realistic art' in English. Realistic art refers to the type of art that attempts to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality, and avoiding speculative fiction and supernatural elements. It is a form of art that depicts and mirrors reality. The term is often applied in discussions about art in various media to different degrees of precision and verisimilitude.

Example sentences using: arte realista

El arte realista ha influido en muchas generaciones de artistas.

English translation of El arte realista ha influido en muchas generaciones de artistas.

Realistic art has influenced many generations of artists.

This sentence highlights the influence that realistic art has had throughout the history of art, having been a major source of inspiration for numerous artists across different generations.

Frida Kahlo no es conocida por su arte realista, sino por su estilo único y emotivo.

English translation of Frida Kahlo no es conocida por su arte realista, sino por su estilo único y emotivo.

Frida Kahlo is not known for her realistic art, but for her unique and emotional style.

This statement identifies the unique art style of Frida Kahlo, a renowned Mexican artist. Despite the influence of realistic art, she is associated with a deeply emotional and unique style, rather than realism.

El museo exhibe una amplia gama de arte realista, desde pinturas hasta esculturas.

English translation of El museo exhibe una amplia gama de arte realista, desde pinturas hasta esculturas.

The museum displays a wide range of realistic art, from paintings to sculptures.

This sentence describes a museum that has a diversified collection of realistic art. It suggests that realistic art isn't limited to one form, but rather embraces a range of mediums including both paintings and sculptures.

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