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arte oriental

English translation of arte oriental

Eastern art

The term 'arte oriental' in Spanish refers to Eastern Art. This comprises a vast range of influences from various cultures and periods that includes arts from Asia like Chinese, Korean, and Japanese art, as well as Islamic art. This art form is known for its unique techniques, symbolism, and philosophies embodying the social, cultural, and philosophical traits of the East.

Example sentences using: arte oriental

El arte oriental tiene su propio encanto y belleza única.

English translation of El arte oriental tiene su propio encanto y belleza única.

Oriental art has its own charm and unique beauty.

This sentence emphasizes the distinctiveness and allure of oriental art, highlighting its unique aesthetic compared with other styles of art.

Estoy estudiando el impacto del arte oriental en la cultura contemporánea.

English translation of Estoy estudiando el impacto del arte oriental en la cultura contemporánea.

I am studying the impact of oriental art on contemporary culture.

This sentence expresses an ongoing activity concerning the influence of Oriental art within today's societal context, demonstrating a mix of educational and cultural elements.

Los colores vivos son una característica común en el arte oriental.

English translation of Los colores vivos son una característica común en el arte oriental.

Vivid colors are a common characteristic in oriental art.

This phrase describes one of the typical traits of Oriental art, that being the use of vibrant colors, thus representing an observation about this art style.

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