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arte figurativo

English translation of arte figurativo

figurative art

The term 'arte figurativo' in Spanish translates to 'figurative art' in English. Figurative art, in broad sense, encompasses all forms of modern art that retain strong references to the real world and particularly to the human figure. It is a form of art in which the artist uses recognizable images to express an idea or to illustrate a story, as opposed to abstract art, which does not aim to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality. 'Arte figurativo' is noted for its reliance on the visual representation of real objects or figures to convey its message or story.

Example sentences using: arte figurativo

El arte figurativo fue mi pasión durante la universidad.

English translation of El arte figurativo fue mi pasión durante la universidad.

Figurative art was my passion during university.

This phrase is used to describe someone's interest in figurative art during their university years. 'Universidad' translates to university.

Mi hermana es una excelente representante de arte figurativo.

English translation of Mi hermana es una excelente representante de arte figurativo.

My sister is an excellent representative of figurative art.

This phrase is implying that the speaker's sister is a great figure in the field of figurative art. 'Hermana' translates to sister.

Este es un ejemplo clásico de arte figurativo del renacimiento.

English translation of Este es un ejemplo clásico de arte figurativo del renacimiento.

This is a classic example of Renaissance figurative art.

This is a phrasing found commonly in writing about art history, saying that something is a classic example of Renaissance figurative art. 'Clásico' translates as classic and 'renacimiento' as renaissance.

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