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arte expresionista

English translation of arte expresionista

Expressionist art

The term 'arte expresionista' in Spanish refers to 'expressionist art' in English. Expressionist art is a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. The style tends to depict raw, emotional and subjective moods, often distorting reality for emotional effect. Expressionist artists sought to express the meaning of emotional experience rather than physical reality. Expressionist art typically was created during times of social upheaval, reflecting the angst and anxieties of society.

Example sentences using: arte expresionista

El arte expresionista tiene un impacto emocional profundo.

English translation of El arte expresionista tiene un impacto emocional profundo.

Expressionist art has a deep emotional impact.

This sentence demonstrates the usual usage of 'Arte expresionista'. It also emphasizes the emotional depth that this type of art tends to invoke.

Andrea esta estudiando el arte expresionista para su examen final de historia del arte.

English translation of Andrea esta estudiando el arte expresionista para su examen final de historia del arte.

Andrea is studying expressionist art for her final art history exam.

This sentence illustrates how to use 'Arte expresionista' in a casual daily conversation, specifically when talking about academic studies.

El museo tiene una nueva exposición de arte expresionista que quiero visitar.

English translation of El museo tiene una nueva exposición de arte expresionista que quiero visitar.

The museum has a new expressionist art exhibition that I want to visit.

This sentence shows how 'Arte expresionista' can be used in a context related to museums or art exhibitions, places where one might see Expressionist art.

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