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arte cubista

English translation of arte cubista

Cubist art

Cubist Art, known as 'Arte Cubista' in Spanish, is an early-20th-century avant-garde art movement that revolutionized European painting and sculpture, and inspired related movements in music, literature and architecture. The style is characterized by the use of geometric shapes and a departure from the traditional portrayal of physical appearances. Cubist artists include Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque.

Example sentences using: arte cubista

Mi primer acercamiento al arte cubista fue en una exposición local.

English translation of Mi primer acercamiento al arte cubista fue en una exposición local.

My first approach to cubist art was at a local exhibition.

This sentence describes a person's first encounter with Cubist art, which happened to be at a local exhibition. It emphasizes the role of public events and galleries in the dissemination and exploration of artistic movements like Cubism.

El arte cubista revolucionó el mundo de la pintura en el siglo XX.

English translation of El arte cubista revolucionó el mundo de la pintura en el siglo XX.

Cubist art revolutionized the world of painting in the 20th century.

This sentence acknowledges the significant impact of Cubist art on the broader sphere of painting during the 20th century. Cubism, as an artistic movement, challenged traditional perspectives and methods, thereby transforming the landscape of the art world.

Picasso es conocido como uno de los pioneros del arte cubista.

English translation of Picasso es conocido como uno de los pioneros del arte cubista.

Picasso is known as one of the pioneers of Cubist art.

This sentence recognizes Pablo Picasso, a prominent painter and sculptor, as a foundational figure in the development and promotion of Cubist art. Picasso's work in Cubism has solidified his status as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century.

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