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arte conceptual

English translation of arte conceptual

conceptual art

The term 'arte conceptual' translates to 'conceptual art' in English. Conceptual Art is an art style where the idea or concept behind the work is more important than the actual physical or visible aspect of the work. It emerged as an art movement in the 1960s and often the artist will use a variety of materials and forms to convey their message, meaning, or idea, leading to works that can look very different from traditional forms such as painting and sculpture. Thus, 'arte conceptual' refers to this intellectual and varied approach to creating art.

Example sentences using: arte conceptual

El arte conceptual busca expresar ideas a través de imágenes.

English translation of El arte conceptual busca expresar ideas a través de imágenes.

Conceptual art seeks to express ideas through images.

This statement describes the general aim of conceptual art, which is to convey abstract concepts or ideas using visual demonstrations instead of focusing on traditional aesthetic values.

El museo exhibe una colección impresionante de arte conceptual.

English translation of El museo exhibe una colección impresionante de arte conceptual.

The museum displays an impressive collection of conceptual art.

This phrase implies that the speaker is at or has visited a museum where a variety of conceptual art pieces are exhibited, reflecting the appeal and quintessence of this art form.

María está estudiando la historia del arte conceptual para su tesis doctoral.

English translation of María está estudiando la historia del arte conceptual para su tesis doctoral.

Maria is studying the history of conceptual art for her doctoral thesis.

This sentence conveys that Maria is deeply engaging in academic research related to the historical development and background of conceptual art for her doctorate project.

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