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arte callejero

English translation of arte callejero

Street art

Arte callejero, translated as 'street art' in English, refers to visual art created in public locations such as city streets, walls, tunnels, and basically any outdoor public space. This form of art is often unsanctioned, but some works may be commissioned or legally created on private property. It includes diverse techniques and styles including graffiti, stencil art, sticker art, wheatpasting, video projection, art intervention, guerrilla art, flash mobbing, and street installations.

Example sentences using: arte callejero

Después del trabajo, practico arte callejero

English translation of Después del trabajo, practico arte callejero

After work, I practice street art

This sentence shares how the person uses their free time to create street art.

Soy un amante del arte callejero

English translation of Soy un amante del arte callejero

I am a lover of street art

This sentence uses the phrase 'arte callejero' to express someone's interest in street art.

English translation of El arte callejero es una forma popular de expresión

Street art is a popular form of expression

In this sentence, 'arte callejero' is referred to as a common means for people to express themselves.

Existen museos dedicados al arte callejero

English translation of Existen museos dedicados al arte callejero

There are museums dedicated to street art

The sentence points out that there are museums that specialize in the exhibition of street art.

El arte callejero enriquece la cultura de una ciudad

English translation of El arte callejero enriquece la cultura de una ciudad

Street art enriches a city's culture

'Arte callejero' is recognized in this sentence as a valuable part of a city's cultural heritage.

Mi hermano es un artista de arte callejero

English translation of Mi hermano es un artista de arte callejero

My brother is a street art artist

In this instance, a person's profession is linked to 'arte callejero'.

La ciudad está llena de arte callejero en cada rincón

English translation of La ciudad está llena de arte callejero en cada rincón

The city is full of street art at every corner

This example describes an urban environment abundant in street art.

El arte callejero puede ser controversial

English translation of El arte callejero puede ser controversial

Street art can be controversial

This sentence highlights that 'arte callejero' can often stir debates.

Detrás del arte callejero, hay historias que contar

English translation of Detrás del arte callejero, hay historias que contar

Behind street art, there are stories to tell

The phrase 'arte callejero' is featured as a medium that can communicate narratives and messages.

El concurso de arte callejero se celebra cada año

English translation of El concurso de arte callejero se celebra cada año

The street art contest is held every year

In this sentence, 'arte callejero' is the center of an annual competition.

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