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arte abstracto

English translation of arte abstracto

abstract art

The Spanish term 'arte abstracto' translates to 'abstract art' in English. Abstract art is a style of art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality. Instead, it uses shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks to achieve its effect. Works of abstract art, like those referred to by 'arte abstracto,' can evoke emotions and ideas, and invite interpretation from the viewer.

Example sentences using: arte abstracto

El arte abstracto me resulta intrigante y a veces confuso.

English translation of El arte abstracto me resulta intrigante y a veces confuso.

Abstract art seems intriguing to me and sometimes confusing.

This example illustrates using the phrase 'arte abstracto', meaning 'abstract art', within personal opinions or observations. It suggests that the speaker finds abstract art intriguing, yet confusing at times.

Las formas y colores en el arte abstracto pueden evocar emociones profundas.

English translation of Las formas y colores en el arte abstracto pueden evocar emociones profundas.

The shapes and colors in abstract art can evoke deep emotions.

This sentence expresses that 'arte abstracto' (abstract art), through its unique blend of shapes and colors, has the ability to evoke deep emotional reactions. It emphasizes the power of abstract art to communicate on an emotional level, transcending traditional forms of representation.

En la exhibición de hoy, podremos explorar varias piezas de arte abstracto.

English translation of En la exhibición de hoy, podremos explorar varias piezas de arte abstracto.

In today's exhibition, we will be able to explore various pieces of abstract art.

This sentence illustrates another context in which 'arte abstracto' (abstract art) can be used - this time referring to physical pieces of art within the context of an art exhibition. This phrase could be used by a museum curator or tour guide describing the day's exhibit itinerary.

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