The Spanish word 'arquitecto' translates to 'architect' in English. An architect is a person who designs buildings and prepares plans to construct them. The same duties apply to an 'arquitecto' in Spanish-speaking contexts. The profession involves practical, technological, and aesthetic knowledge to create spaces that meet various needs and impacts both the users and the environment positively.
My brother is a talented architect.
This sentence is an example of how to express someone's profession in Spanish. The subject 'Mi hermano' is followed by the verb 'es' (third person singular of 'ser' used for profession) and the direct object 'un arquitecto talentoso' using the masculine singular definite article 'un'.
The architect designed an impressive building.
This sentence shows how to express action in the past in Spanish. The subject 'El arquitecto' is followed by the verb 'diseñó' (past tense of 'diseñar' showing completed action) and the direct object 'un edificio impresionante' using the masculine singular definite article 'un'.
I am going to work with the architect tomorrow.
This sentence presents the structure for expressing future actions in Spanish. The pronoun 'Voy' (First person singular of 'ir' used for near future plans) is followed by 'a trabajar' (infinitive verb indicating the action), the preposition 'con' indicating the relation, the definite article 'el', and the noun 'arquitecto'.