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arma nuclear

English translation of arma nuclear

nuclear weapon

The Spanish phrase 'arma nuclear' translates to 'nuclear weapon' in English. In military terminology, a 'nuclear weapon' is an explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions. It can either be fusion or fission reactions or a combination of both. These reactions release a huge amount of energy from relatively small amounts of matter. The term 'nuclear weapon' is often used to describe these types of devices, which have been utilized in warfare and pose significant global risks.

Example sentences using: arma nuclear

El gobierno está desarrollando secretamente un arma nuclear.

English translation of El gobierno está desarrollando secretamente un arma nuclear.

The government is secretly developing a nuclear weapon.

In this sentence, the Spanish phrase 'arma nuclear' is used to describe a weapon that is being secretly developed by the government. The verb 'desarrollando' stands for 'developing' and 'secretamente' translates to 'secretly' which describes the clandestine nature of the development.

Una arma nuclear puede causar una destrucción masiva.

English translation of Una arma nuclear puede causar una destrucción masiva.

A nuclear weapon can cause massive destruction.

This is a basic sentence in Spanish using the term 'arma nuclear'. 'Puede causar' translates to 'can cause', and 'una destrucción masiva' is 'massive destruction'. This phrase is used to describe the destructive potential of a nuclear weapon.

El uso de un arma nuclear es un crimen contra la humanidad.

English translation of El uso de un arma nuclear es un crimen contra la humanidad.

The use of a nuclear weapon is a crime against humanity.

In this sentence, the term 'arma nuclear' is used in association with the crime against humanity. 'El uso de' means 'the use of', and 'es un crimen contra la humanidad' translates to 'is a crime against humanity'. This sentence is referring to the severity of the act of using nuclear weapons.

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