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English translation of aristócrata


The Spanish word 'aristócrata' translates to 'aristocrat' in English. An aristocrat is a person who belongs to the highest social class, especially those holding hereditary titles. Historically, aristocrats often wielded significant power, particularly in the governance of nations. In modern times, the term primarily serves as a social marker, often associated with wealth, influence, and privilege.

Example sentences using: aristócrata

El aristócrata vivía en el castillo grande.

English translation of El aristócrata vivía en el castillo grande.

The aristocrat lived in the big castle.

This sentence uses 'aristócrata' to illustrate an individual of high social status or wealth living in a sizeable castle, which is a common stereotype.

A pesar de ser un aristócrata, él siempre ayudaba a los menos afortunados.

English translation of A pesar de ser un aristócrata, él siempre ayudaba a los menos afortunados.

Despite being an aristocrat, he always helped the less fortunate.

This sentence utilizes 'aristócrata' to convey an unexpected action, suggesting that despite the individual's high social status, they still extend help to those less fortunate.

El aristócrata no entendía las necesidades del pueblo.

English translation of El aristócrata no entendía las necesidades del pueblo.

The aristocrat did not understand the needs of the people.

In this example, 'aristócrata' is used to illustrate the disconnection between an individual of high social rank and the majority of the population, showcasing their lack of understanding of common people's needs.

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